DDR Motorsport: Miami GT Quadri Rotors Twin Turbo

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DDR Motorsport: Miami GT Quadri Rotors Twin Turbo

Message par rotary-r »

Après le 4 cylindres Honda et le V8 Corvette, la Miami GT sera aussi disponible avec une motorisation Quadri-Rotors Bi-Turbos et peut être une version Tri-Rotors Turbo... :fou:

Je posterai d'autres photos du bloc quand je les aurai retrouvées dans mon énorme stock de photos. :D
(Base: 13B REW)

"CLR Motorsports : anounces the coming together
in collaboration w/ DDR Motorsport of Miami to create the : Miami GT 4RT-1100. This is trully an affortable SuperCar by todays standarts. The concept was built arround the highly successfull DDR Gt-8 chassys with a CLR designed and built Twin Turbo 4 Rotor Wankel Rotary engine delivering a proven excess of 1100 Shaft Hp. The engine developed w/ Flex Fuel capabilty on the fly but optimized to run on Ethanol e-85 as the fuel of choice for maximun power and reliability with a targetet threshhold of "Zero" emmisions. The car will carry separate Fuel Cells for each particular choice of Flex, or a combined total capasity of 44 US. Gallons yeilding a rather extanded driving range. The car comes standart w/ a 6 speed Sequential Shift Transaxle, w/ Paddle Shift capability on the drawing board. The 4 Rotor TT. will debut as DDR's Flagship vehicle for 2013 model year along with a level 2 performance 700+ Hp. 3 Rotor Single Turbo version to be offered later in the year. Each car will be built to the customers choice of color and will come w/ A/c & PS as standart equipment."

Site internet DDR Motorsport: http://www.ddrmotorsport.com/gt8.php

P. :salut:

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Re: DDR Motorsport: Miami GT Quadri Rotors Twin Turbo

Message par jmi »

euh....sir MAC laren ne dit rien sur le pompage de la F1... :(

une rx8 c'est sans doute 231 chevaux sous le capot, et un âne au volant.
